As millions of Americans celebrated President Biden’s inauguration, some of my former colleagues in the health insurance industry were quietly celebrating some news of their own: their most profitable year ever. That’s right: insurance companies made a fortune during a pandemic.
This is part two of a two-part series exploring racism as a public health crisis in Appalachia and its compounding due to COVID-19. Read part one here. As COVID-19 bore down on his community, Thomas Beavers recognized that primary among...
By Kimberly J. Soenen French photojournalist Jean-Marc Giboux covered the modern-day polio (poliomyelitis) eradication campaign for nearly a decade, and still has vivid memories of the ruthless way the disease attacks children’s spines. “I recall the mangled bodies of young children walking on all fours,...
Here’s an interesting irony: Everyone around Trump who gets COVID-19 may be in big trouble if they get their wish and gut the Affordable Care Act. Why? In the future, COVID will likely be classified by private insurers as a pre-existing condition. I'd know...
By Brent Korson With the arrival of the novel coronavirus, we’re watching each country experience its own Rorschach test. We’re seeing how each nation responds based on its site specific differences: culture, population, citizen proximity, infection rate, seasonality, geography, topography. Then there’s the human element of how each...
As the COVID-19 pandemic exposes another area of vulnerability — the U.S. food supply, Americans find innovative ways to keep themselves and their communities fed. With 40 million Americans unemployed and poverty on the rise, Feeding America expressed concerns on their website in April that the...
By Kimberly J. Soenen Abilify, Advair, Cialis, Depakote, Enbrel, Diovan, Humira, Lantus, Lexapro, Lipitor, Nexium, Plavix, Seroquel, Singulair, Viagra, Vioxx, Xanax, Zyprexa, and other drugs have all became household names over the last three decades. Like Tampax, Frisbee, Jell-O, Xerox, Q-Tip, Saran Wrap and Kleenex, during the commercial...
With COVID-19 still raging after having killed over 100,000 Americans, making it one of the worst epidemics since the 1918 Spanish flu, and with a staggering 41 million workers, 27% of the labor force, out of a job — a number still rising at a rate of...
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed and exacerbated many underlying patterns of inequality in the U.S.—and disability-related inequities are no exception. While the disabled community is often overlooked in public discourse and policy alike, around 1 in 4 American adults is disabled. The CDC reports...
Today’s America – both before and after COVID-19 – bears little resemblance to the country in which I grew up, served in its defense, and benefited from its freedoms and resourcefulness. Most of the changes over the last 56 years are commendable and honorable in the greatest...
The auto industry is gearing up to bring back at least half its workers and to begin producing cars again. Across the country, states and localities are attempting to restart businesses that have been shuttered for as much as two months because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
By Brent Korson There was one thing about the White House’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic that was clear from the beginning. The investigative journalism that would eventually uncover what happened behind closed doors in January, February and March would reveal devastating evidence of how epically this...
After a lengthy battle with COVID-19, State Rep. Karen Whitsett, D-Detroit urges her district to comply with shelter-in-place orders as African Americans across the U.S. continue to die at high rates. Increased Risk Facing African Americans In an April 7th White...
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