Oral Health in America:Removing the Stain of Disparity details inequities to an oral health care system that disproportionately affects the poor, those without insurance, underrepresented and underserved communities, the disabled, and senior citizens. This book addresses issues in workforce development including the use of dental therapists, the rationale for the...
Some states are once again offering insurance across trade organizations or business groups, but will the revamped program have the same old flaws?
A two month coma, a misdiagnosis and a $3 million bill.
The current network of health cares and doctors has prevented people with uncommon conditions and smaller hometowns to lose critical options, Trudy Lieberman writes.
Now that it has settled into a monopoly over Central Appalachia’s health care, the Ballad Health system is stirring new controversy with a move intended to conserve money: consolidating intensive care facilities. Last year, they announced plans to merge their two Level 1 trauma facilities and their two neonatal...
Maybe – just maybe – Americans will get some relief from the relentlessly rising prices of pharmaceuticals. That of course depends on Congress pushing back against the drug companies’ formidable lobbying machine, their generous campaign contributions, and the industry’s historical coziness with members of Congress. But this year seems different. When...
Ascension Health Alliance caught some attention last month when the nation’s largest Catholic hospital system formed a partnership with Google to find and use patient data in a more efficient way. But for those who are watching Ascension’s business practices, this seems more of a practical move to cut...
Seventy-five percent of Democrats support “Medicare for all.” But the American health care industry appears to have pushed Democratic leaders away from backing House candidates who would support universal public health insurance. This backhanded approach occurs as key lobbies for the industry have united in opposition to single-payer with...
Many medicines are cheaper if you buy them outside your insurance for the cash price.
This story was reported through a partnership between MapLight, The Intercept and Tarbell. Investor-owned hospitals are leading the fight against the creation of a comprehensive, universal health care system, according to corporate filings reviewed by MapLight. Tenet Healthcare, the nation’s third-largest investor-owned operator of hospitals, has donated nearly $630,000 to the...
You would think that making the prices charged by hospitals and doctors available to their patients would be a no-brainer. After all, we’ve become accustomed to knowing the price we pay for cars, carrots, comic books, and almost everything else we buy. Why not knee surgery or appendectomies? The medical...
"The crooks already know these tricks; honest men must learn them in self-defense."
Critics feared the worst on March 14, but under pressure from activists and Tarbell reporting, an Oregon panel has tabled a vote on a cut-off that could raise the risk of suicide nearly 300%.
Former Iowa governor Terry Branstad, who instituted the privatization with a claim of saving money, was a founding member of the influential, Koch-brother affiliated American Legislative Exchange Council and now his legacy causes chaos for patients, doctors and hospitals in the state.
At the recent Democratic debate, Lester Holt asked for a show of hands: Who would end the role of private insurance companies as part of health care reform? Four hands went up – Bernie Sanders, Bill de Blasio, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris. Other candidates argued for incremental expansions...
Across the country, expanding the dental workforce to include dental therapists is one of a very few health care proposals that attracts support from lawmakers in both parties.
The Senate Special Committee on Aging has just released one of the most damning reports on the nation’s nursing homes that I’ve seen in a long time. The short document should be required reading for any family thinking of moving a relative to a nursing facility. Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey,...
Propagandists are trying to force Congress and voters to make fear-based choices about health care.
Researchers at Brown and Columbia Universities found that disenrollment from MA plans “may indicate that plans do not meet the preferences of enrollees with significant chronic illness.”
Studies show life expectancy in the United States is going down while it continues to go up in other developed countries.